Fri. Apr 26th, 2024


Days are gone when customers are happy by just getting a “please” or “thank you.”  Customer satisfaction now encompasses the whole customer journey. Starting from how your customer discovers your product, how they are assisted during the sales or service process, up until what happens after that.

 Your business should always be on top of your game, or else your customers will take their money elsewhere. Don’t worry, though! Here are some secrets, from hiring a hospitality keynote speaker to requesting feedback, that would you improve customer satisfaction.

1. Hire a keynote speaker.

Each person in your organization must be aware of how their role is instrumental in providing overall satisfaction to your customers. That’s why bringing in a hospitality keynote speaker is so essential – he can get everyone engaged, share the mission of attaining customer satisfaction and drive your whole organization to take part and stir up positive customer experience in the future. 

2. Allow multichannel support.

As newer communication channels emerge such as mobile, social, web chat, and email, it is imperative for your business to develop omnichannel support. Through this, you are sure that your customer can connect with you and raise their insights based on the method they are comfortable using.

3. Personalize.

Your goal is to ensure that your customer feels like he is, or she matters to your business. For instance, remembering them on special occasions such as their birthdays or providing them with personalized discounts and promotions is an excellent way to go. Not only it improves customer satisfaction but also builds up your customer’s loyalty.

4. Cut wait times.

Time is valuable for everyone, especially your customers. Make sure that you manage the long customer wait time. If possible, eliminate bureaucracy and switch it with more customer-friendly processes. Customers are happy when it is easy to do business with you, and they will reward you for it over and over again.

5. Ask for and act on customer’s feedback.

There are always more customers who have relevant insights that they haven’t aired to you. So, it is your business’ job to fish these criticisms. Do surveys or create dialogues with different customers. Once you’ve collected enough insights, act on it! When used correctly, feedback can be a huge advantage in maintaining customer satisfaction.

Remember, customer satisfaction is an essential aspect of running a successful business, so it’s best to devote ample amount of your time to ensure that it is at its best.
